The Pegasus Awards

Captain Jack & The Mermaid

Meg Davis

Pegasus Awards

Award Year Category
2015 Best Classic Filk Song

Pegasus Nominations

Year Category Sample
2002 Best Song That Tells A Story  
1998 Best Myth Song  
Meg Davis lives in Northern Michigan, and due to health issues is unable to travel. Her music is available through her website: There's a mail link to her off the web page- stop in and drop her a line!

Captain Jack and the Mermaid

Copyright © Meg Davis 1975- All Rights Reserved
Leelanau Heritage Arts Publishing Co. / BMI
Lyrics posted by permission of the author


Captain Jack was a young man when he went to sea,
Oh, me young Ladies, go and kiss him goodbye.
He was barely a child of twenty and three,
Oh, tell him, young Ladies, go and tell him for me,
He can marry the Mermaid that lives in the sea.

Well, I loved Captain Jack and his bride I would be,
Oh, me young Ladies, go and kiss him goodbye.
We were soon to be wedded, my Jackie and Me.
Oh, tell him, young Ladies, go and tell him for me,
He can marry the Mermaid that lives in the sea.

But his ship it had needed a Captain one day,
Oh, me young Ladies, go and kiss him goodbye.
He took charge of the rigging and soon sailed away.
Oh, tell him, young Ladies, go and tell him for me,
He can marry the Mermaid that lives in the sea.

When three years had passed and his ship had returned,
Oh, me young Ladies, go and kiss him goodbye.
I went down to the sea for the man I had earned.
Oh, tell him, young Ladies, go and tell him for me,
He can marry the Mermaid that lives in the sea.

But my Jack was not there when I went to see,
Oh, me young Ladies, go and kiss him goodbye.

And this is the tale the crew told to me.
Oh, tell him, young Ladies, go and tell him for me,
He can marry the Mermaid that lives in the sea.


It was almost eight bells and Jack had the watch,
He was finning and scaling the fish he had caught,
When out of the sea there rose such a tune
As he had not heard by the light of the moon.

He looked o'er to the waters and what saw he there
But a beautiful maiden with gold in her hair,
She had gowns made of seaweed and a crown on her head,
As he stared at the Mermaid she quietly said.

"I have followed your ship for many a mile.
One day the sea reflected your smile
And I'll give you my kingdom, eternally,
If you'll marry this Mermaid that lives in the sea."

Well, Jack was in love with the beautiful girl
And he jumped o'er the side in the watery swirl.
She then took his arm and she led him away,
And we searched all those waters 'till dawn the next day.

We tolled the bell loud, we tolled the bell long,
And the looks on our faces were saddened and drawn,
When, out of the sea, Jackie rose like a King,
And this is the message he begged us to bring.

"I have long loved the Lady who lives on the land,
But my life with the Mermaid is ever so grand,
Won't you go to my Lady and ask her for me,
May I marry this Mermaid that lives in the sea?"

And that is the story I heard from the crew,
My tears they were many, my choices were few.
I went down to the sea, the ship's bell to ring,
And this is the song that I was heard to sing.


Captain Jack was a young man when he went to sea,
Oh, me young Ladies, go and kiss him goodbye.
He was barely a child of twenty and three,
Oh, tell him, young Ladies, go and tell him for me,
He can marry the Mermaid that lives in the sea.

Tell him, young Ladies, go and tell him for me,
He can marry the Mermaid that lives in the sea.


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