2006 Poll Results
Best Writer/Composer Ideas
Best Performer Ideas
Best Filk Song Ideas
Best Classic Filk Song Ideas
Best Battle Song Ideas
Best Torch Song Ideas

2005 Winners

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Best Performer Ideas

Alexander, Heather
ASH Productions
Avalon Rising
Baardman, Sam
Beagle, Peter
Bethancourt, Joe
Blum, Christine (Crystal)
Boogie Knights
Clam Chowder
Coleman, Eric
Conway, Chris
Cosmic Trifle (aka TBFKAJPF)
Coulson, Juanita
Crowell, Dr. Mary
Dale, Heather
Davis, Margaret & Klover, Kristoph
Dockrey, Michelle & Fabris, Tony
Dockrey, Michelle
Droege, Katy
Eng, Cecilia
Fabish, Marty Coady
Fabris, Tony
Giacoio, Joe
Gunkelmann, Franklin
Hodgetts, Blake
Kenny Young and the Eggplants
Knighton, Gwen
Longcor, Michael (Moonwulf)
Lord Landless
Macdonald, Steve
McGuire, Seanan
Miller, Judi
N'Early Music Consort
Neely, Erica
Ookla The Mok
Roper, Bill
Roper, Bill & Gretchen
Sampson, Mich
Sampson, Mich & Valtazanou, Marilisa
Savitzky, Stephen
Sears-Zeve, Jordan
Ski, The Great Luke
Sloan, Dr. Kathleen
Smith, Tom
Snyder, Scott
Summer & Fall (Wiest, Eva; Blum, Crystal)
Sutton, Bill
Sutton, Bill & Brenda
Sutton, Brenda
Ulbrich, Carla
Wessels, Mary Ellen
Wild Mercy
The Worm Quartet
Ineligible for 2006
2001: Kimberley, Talis
2002: Three Weird Sisters
2003: Dandelion Wine
2004: Urban Tapestry
2006: Bohnhoff, Jeff & Maya





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