The Pegasus Award for Excellence in Filking

The Pegasus Awards were founded to recognize and honor excellence in filking.
Any member of the worldwide filk community is eligible to win. Past Nominees have hailed from the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Australia, and Singapore as well as the United States.
The nomination and ballot procedure is similar to that of the Hugo--except you do not need to be a paid member of the convention to vote. The results are tabulated, and then presented at the Awards Banquet on Saturday evening at OVFF.
We invite you to explore this site- do you know someone who you feel deserves accolade? Fill out the Brainstorming Poll! Curious about whether or not a song is eligible for Nomination? Looking for lyrics of past Winners or Nominees? This is the place.
The Pegasus Awards only has the meaning that you (the filk community) choose to give it. Your participation in the Awards is needed, and deeply appreciated.
Thank you.
Erica Neely
Pegasus Evangelista
Please note- this site is a work in progress. There is still a lot of information to gather into the Nominees pages on this site- so the lyric you are looking for, or bio information may not be here yet. We are continually working on archiving bios and lyrics of all past Nominees and Winners. Thank you for your understanding.