The Pegasus Awards


Zander Nyrond

Pegasus Nominations

Year Category Sample
2024 Best Magic Song mp3



Copyright © Zander Nyrond
Words by Zan, can be sung to the tune 'Summer Holiday'
All Rights Reserved - Used by Permission

I've been looking at the Necronomicon,
Just been glancing at a page or two,
Lots of pictures in the Necronomicon,
Told me things that I never knew,
Just a page or two.

The Elder Gods are great and wondrous,
The Elder Gods are green and blue,
I've seen them in H. P. Lovecraft,
And now I know they're true.

Just one copy of the Necronomicon,
That's the one at Miska-tonic U.,
So I'm writing out the Necronomicon,
When I've finished it, there'll be two,
Only mine'll be new.


The Elder Gods are coming someday
To occupy the earth anew.
If you're not ready for them
You won't like what they'll do...

Everyone should read the Necronomicon,
Help the Elder Gods to come back through.
So I'm publishing the Necronomicon,
Should be ready to sell to you
In a week or two.


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