The Pegasus Awards

Passion Flower

Cecilia Eng

Pegasus Nominations

Year Category Sample
2024 Best Risque Song mp3


Passion Flower

Copyright ©1987 Cecilia Eng
All Rights Reserved - Used by Permission

1. I was baskin' in the warmth of my native sun
When a Starfleet lieutenant chose me as the one
To be the gem of his collection of exotic plants -
It was love at first sight and a fast romance, but

Tonight at a quarter past nine
Mr. Sulu and I will entwine
'Cause I'm a hothouse alien
Man-eating columbine.

2. Now, he set up extra heat lamps just for me
And he lavished me with specialized humidity.
More than all the rest, he gives me tender lovin' care.
It's a really hot and steamy sort of love affair, but


3. Now, I'm a sensitive plant with a lot of soul
And his cultivated breeding sends me out of control.
All the other plants, they whisper that I'm kind of perverse
But whenever he's near, my hunger just gets worse, so


4. Now, Mr. Sulu, he has got a fine enquiring mind
And he's gentle and affectionate and warm and kind,
But my passion's for his body and I just can't wait:
I'm gonna satisfy my hunger 'til these feelings abate, so


5. So I've synthesized a special perfume all my own
And I'm gonna wait until I have him all alone.
As my fragrance draws him in, I'll sweep him off his feet
And my passion will consume him in the jungle heat, and


'Cause I'm a hothouse alien
Man-eating columbine


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