The Pegasus Awards


Cat Faber

Pegasus Nominations

Year Category Sample
2024 Best Magic Song mp3



Copyright ©1998 Cat Faber
All Rights Reserved - Used by Permission

Small in the plaza a lone figure stares,
Young in her yearnings, and old in her cares.
She doesn't have jewels, diamonds and rings,
But under her coat she has wings.

Crumbling sidewalks and drizzling skies...
People brush past her with unseeing eyes.
The veil of illusion like spiderweb clings,
But under her coat she has wings

Cruel is the world that she is caught in;
Dreaming, her wings she has forgotten--
Footsore as any mortal going,
Lost here, she looks on me unknowing

Cloaked in the dark her aloneness I chart;
She things she is mortal; I might win her heart--
But keeping her crippled, the thought of it stings.
Under her coat she has wings.

Under the stars alone I find her,
Gazing on heaven, I remind her;
Suddenly, bursting to astound me
Wings, like a beating heart around me.

Closing my eyes for a moment alone;
I needn't look up, I know well she has flown.
Her trench coat lies shed like the leaves the wind flings
Under her coat she had wings.

Creature of air myself I knew her;
Though I have wings I can't pursue her.
Her wings are white and shining feather
My wings are dark and gleaming leather--

Wishing I'd kissed her just once while I could,
Kneeling I touch the last spot where she stood.
Love and compassion are bitter cruel things;
Under her coat she had wings.


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