The Pegasus Awards

2024 Brainstorming Poll: Best Writer/Composer Ideas

Best Filk Song Ideas | Best Classic Song Ideas | Best Writer/Composer Ideas | Best Performer Ideas
Best Magic Song Ideas | Best Risque Song Ideas

We solicited the opinions of filkers all over the world to compile these lists. By definition, a brainstorm is a way of generating a lot of ideas. It is important at this phase to note that what is sought is every single idea, regardless of its eligibility or accuracy.

While we do try to correct spelling and filter out ineligible artists; there is no guarantee that all the artists listed here are actually eligible. At the end of the day, these are the ideas as they were given to us by the community at large. Should you find something we missed, please feel free to email us at pegasus at ovff dot org with any corrections.

Abbey, Brooke
Allcock, Phil
Alway, Peter
Beckwith, Robert
Bellavia, Erin Nappe
Bellavia, Rand
Bernstein, Mark
Blum, Christine
Bohnhoff, Jeff & Maya
Bonhoff, Jeff
Brady, Edwin
Burnside-Clapp, TJ
Cardui, Vanessa
Cheshire Moon (Eric Coleman and Lizzie Crowe)
Chiffon, Blind Lemming
Childs-Helton, Barry
Chua, Terrence
Clarke, Chris
Conway, Chris
Coulson, Juanita
Crowell, Dr. Mary
Dale, Heather
Distad, Eric
Dockrey, Michelle
Ehrlich, Gary
Estelme, Heather
Faber, Cat
Festi, Daniela
Flynt, Clif
Glass, Brett
Gold, Gabrielle
Griffin, Tim
Hanak, Gary
Hayes, Frank
Hayman, Judith
Heslin, Rilla
Hitchen, Naomi
Hodgetts, Blake
Hoffman, Merav
Hoffman, Randy
Horning, Mark
Ilisch, Maja "Thesilee"
Jacques, Shawna
Jeffers, Sue & Tom
Jeffers, Tom
Kanefsky, Bob
Kelly, Daniel
Kimberley, Talis
Kinder, Sabine
Kinderman, Beth
Kirby, Larry
Krangle, Jodi
Kwinn, Paul
Larsen, Sunnie
Longcor, Michael
Maaren, Kari
Machat, Sibylle
Mar, Kathy
Marshall, Avery
Mason, Mikey
Mason, Mikey
McDaid, John
McGuire, Seanan
McManamon, Cathy
McNally, Amy
Midkiff, Jen
Mills, Phil
Neill, Don
Newman, Ben
Nixon, Michael
Palmer, Ada
Rhiannon's Lark
Rogow, Roberta
Roper, Bill
Russell, Summer
Smith, Tom
Sutton, Bill
Sutton, Brenda
The Blibbering Humdingers (Scott & Kirsten Vaughan)
The Faithful Sidekicks (Eric & Jen Distad)
Ueberall, C. J.
Ulbrich, Carla
Valtazanou, Marilisa
Via Bella (Rand & Erin Bellavia)
Weber, Libby
Wittenberg, Batya
Wynne, Rob



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