The Pegasus Awards

Little Fuzzy Vegetables

Mark Mandel

Pegasus Nominations

Year Category
2000 Best Food/Drink Song

Little Fuzzy Vegetables

Lyric Copyright © 1999Mark A. Mandel, All Rights Reserved
ttto "Little Fuzzy Animals" by Frank Hayes
Lyrics posted with permission from the author

In the back of your refrigerator something lies in wait
In a Tupperware container that's been sealed since '68.
So remember what your mother said when you were only two:
She said little fuzzy vegetables are bad for you.
   She said little fuzzy vegetables,
   Little furry vegetables,
   Little fuzzy vegetables are bad for you.

Now this rule has its exceptions, like most truths that parents teach:
Though it's vegetable and fuzzy, you can dare to eat a peach.
But extending the exception can be dangerous to do
Because green and fuzzy meat is also bad for you!
   Yes, green and fuzzy me-e-eat,
   Green and furry me-e-eat,
   Green and fuzzy meat is also bad for you.

There are even more exceptions, as the Fates sometimes arrange,
And there's one that in particular you may consider strange:
In case of wound or fever you may find it to be true
That a little fuzzy bread can be good for you!
   Yes, a little fuzzy bre-e-ead,
   A little furry bre-e-ead,
   A little fuzzy bread can be good for you!


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