The Pegasus Awards

2000 Nominees

Best Filk Song
Fire In The Sky Jordin Kare
Sam's Song Soren and Zander Nyrond
A Simple Country Doctor Matt Leger
Uplift Andy Eigel
Velvet Talis Kimberley
Best Performer
Echo's Children
Talis Kimberley
Ookla The Mok
Scott Snyder
Best Writer/Composer
Bob Kanefsky
Talis Kimberley
Paul Kwinn
Zander Nyrond
Dave Weingart
Best End of the World Song
Cosmic Drain Sally Childs-Helton
Falling Down on New Jersey Mitchell Burnside Clapp
One Last Dance Bill Roper
Out of a Clear Blue Sky Dr. Jane Robinson
Serious Steel Leslie Fish
Best Food/Drink Song
307 Ale Tom Smith
Beware the Sentient Chili Chris Weber
Dairy Queen Barbara Higgins and Sheila Willis
Little Fuzzy Vegetables Frank Hayes and Mark Mandel
My Jalapeno Man Debbie Ridpath Ohi


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