The Pegasus Awards

Witnesses' Waltz

Leslie Fish

Pegasus Award

Award Year Category
1986 Best Original Filk Song
Leslie is one of the truly legendary figures of filk. Much of her recorded music has gone out of print; but there is still much available (including the songbook The Incomplete Leslie Fish) from Random Factors.

Witnesses' Waltz

Copyright ©1983 by Leslie Fish
Copyright assigned to Random Factors
Lyrics posted by permission

Twelve thousand, half-million, million and more
Picnicking out on the warm-water shore.
Nobody notes that we're always at hand
To watch all the space-ships that take off and land.

Come along Harry and Mary and Joe.
Pack up some lunches, and everyone go.
Fill up the camper, drive down to White Sands,
And we'll pour the champagne when the Space Shuttle lands.

It's the loveliest show on this Earth that you'll see;
It's living and real, not just tape-on-TV.
So come to Canaveral, and bring lots of beer.
When the space-ship takes off we'll all stand up and cheer.

Politicians ignore us, the media too;
But if they don't notice, the ships always do.
See her landing so lightly, you'd swear that she cares
That she flies on two wings and a good million prayers.

So come let's go witness the takeoff today
While the world's biggest beach-party cheers her away.
We'll bang the drums proudly and blow on the conch.
Leave a sign on your door that just says "Out to Launch."



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