The Pegasus Awards

2023 Brainstorming Poll: Best Science Song Ideas

Best Filk Song Ideas | Best Classic Song Ideas | Best Writer/Composer Ideas | Best Performer Ideas
Best Adapted Song Ideas | Best Science Song Ideas

We solicited the opinions of filkers all over the world to compile these lists. By definition, a brainstorm is a way of generating a lot of ideas. It is important at this phase to note that what is sought is every single idea, regardless of its eligibility or accuracy.

While we do try to correct spelling, attribution, and filter out ineligible songs; there is no guarantee that all the songs listed here are actually eligible. At the end of the day, these are the titles/attributions as they were given to us by the community at large. Should you find something we missed, please feel free to email us at pegasus at ovff dot org with any corrections.

Sorted by Song Title | Sorted by Composer

Alpha by Song Title
A Habitrail Named Klein Hodgetts, Blake
A Look at Things that Don't Exist Robinson, Dr. Jane
Axial Tilt Faber, Cat
Backbone Robinson, Dr. Jane
Children of the Dark Van Daele-Hunt, Eva
Drivel Robinson, Dr. Jane
Fire, Fire, Fire! Griffin, Tim
Forces of Nature Charming Disaster
Great Big Thing Griffin, Tim
Helium Miner's Song Preston, Heather
In a Histaminor Key Abbey, Brooke
Irreversible Hoffman, W.Randy
Lux Anima Russell, Summer
Mad Science Cafe Abbey, Brooke
Mad Scientist's Love Song McGath, Gary
Math Bellavia, Rand / English, Adam
Mir O'Brien, Maureen
Moving the Bones Robinson, Dr. Jane
Narwhal Debs and Errol
Nine Favorite Planets Griffin, Tim
Nine Planets The Chromatics
Nobody Calls Roper, Bill
Oh Chemistry (Things With Which I Will Not Work) Davidson, Douglas
Orion Davidoff, JoEllyn
Patchwork Cliche Crowell, Dr. Mary
Poision Roper, Bill
Poisoned Apples Neill, Don
Psi-Nought, the Vacuum State Kare, Jordin
Schroedinger's Mouse Alway, Peter
Scientific Method Kelly, Daniel
Seratonin Dopamine The PDX Broadsides
Shoulders of Giants Griffin, Tim
Space Is Big Malme, Chris
Spiral Dance Prather, Anne
Spirals in Your Eyes Alway, Peter
Systemantic Classifiction Robinson, Dr. Jane
Terra Nova Van Daele-Hunt, Eva
That Thing Will Never Fly Griffin, Tim
The Best Part of Science Griffin, Tim
The Empirical Strikes Back Robinson, Dr. Jane
The Knowledge Seekers Horning, Mark
The Snith Griffin, Tim
The Word of God Faber, Cat
Threes Rev. 1.2 Elms, Duane
To Follow Apollo Thorne, Jim
Twilight Starlight Midkiff, Jen
Valent Shell Griffin, Tim
Watchmaker Hill Van Daele-Hunt, Eva
Water McManamon, Cathy
What Can We See? Mariano, Adrian
Window on Time Linsley, Karen
Wolf at Your Door Kimberley, Talis

Alpha by Composer
In a Histaminor Key Abbey, Brooke
Mad Science Cafe Abbey, Brooke
Schroedinger's Mouse Alway, Peter
Spirals in Your Eyes Alway, Peter
Math Bellavia, Rand / English, Adam
Forces of Nature Charming Disaster
Patchwork Cliche Crowell, Dr. Mary
Orion Davidoff, JoEllyn
Oh Chemistry (Things With Which I Will Not Work) Davidson, Douglas
Narwhal Debs and Errol
Threes Rev. 1.2 Elms, Duane
Axial Tilt Faber, Cat
The Word of God Faber, Cat
44 Philosophers Griffin, Tim
Fire, Fire, Fire! Griffin, Tim
Great Big Thing Griffin, Tim
Nine Favorite Planets Griffin, Tim
Shoulders of Giants Griffin, Tim
That Thing Will Never Fly Griffin, Tim
The Best Part of Science Griffin, Tim
The Snith Griffin, Tim
Valent Shell Griffin, Tim
A Habitrail Named Klein Hodgetts, Blake
Irreversible Hoffman, W.Randy
The Knowledge Seekers Horning, Mark
Psi-Nought, the Vacuum State Kare, Jordin
Scientific Method Kelly, Daniel
Wolf at Your Door Kimberley, Talis
Window on Time Linsley, Karen
Space Is Big Malme, Chris
What Can We See? Mariano, Adrian
Mad Scientist's Love Song McGath, Gary
Water McManamon, Cathy
Twilight Starlight Midkiff, Jen
Poisoned Apples Neill, Don
Mir O'Brien, Maureen
Spiral Dance Prather, Anne
Helium Miner's Song Preston, Heather
A Look at Things that Don't Exist Robinson, Dr. Jane
Backbone Robinson, Dr. Jane
Drivel Robinson, Dr. Jane
Moving the Bones Robinson, Dr. Jane
Systemantic Classifiction Robinson, Dr. Jane
The Empirical Strikes Back Robinson, Dr. Jane
Nobody Calls Roper, Bill
Poision Roper, Bill
Lux Anima Russell, Summer
Nine Planets The Chromatics
Seratonin Dopamine The PDX Broadsides
To Follow Apollo Thorne, Jim
Children of the Dark Van Daele-Hunt, Eva
Terra Nova Van Daele-Hunt, Eva
Watchmaker Hill Van Daele-Hunt, Eva


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