The Pegasus Awards


Debs & Errol IF


Pegasus Nominations

Year Category
2014 Best Adapted Song TIE After TIE


Debs & Errol (Deborah Linden and Errol Elumir) are “the most awkwardly matched, unassumingly awesome, frighteningly intriguing comedy duo that you will perhaps ever hear.” They are very geeky and live in Toronto, Canada.

In 2007, Errol Elumir met Deborah Linden during NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). He discovered that she had a Disney princess voice, and asked her to sing a parody with him. She acquiesced, much to his surprise. In fact, she wasn’t scared off by his manic ways and later asked Errol to accompany her on a song she was writing for February Album Writing Month ( She encouraged Errol to participate in himself, and that’s where he virtually met Phil Mills who invited him to his very first filk convention, FilKONtario.

In 2011, Debs and Errol were asked separately to perform at a geeky theatre showcase run by local theatre company Monkeyman Productions. They decided to team up because there were six shows and filling all that space by yourself is scary! The audience liked them, which came as a shock (mostly to Debs)! The duo started performing regularly around the Toronto area and Errol began a daily webcomic for them so as to chronicle their life as a band. He was going to stop after their first CD was completed. He didn’t.

It was shortly after this that Errol introduced Debs to the filk community. Their filk experience has been nothing but wonderful and they are quite delighted and honoured to be Pegasus nominees!

You can find more about them (and that daily comic) at





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