The Pegasus Awards

Errol Elumir IF


Pegasus Nominations

Year Category Collaboration Song
2014 Best Adapted Song Debs & Errol TIE After TIE


ˈer-əl, ˈa-rəl/


1. creative, happy, uxorious, autotelic. 

In 2010, Philip Mills mentioned FKO on the forums. The thought of a convention dedicated to writing music about geeky topics intrigued Errol and he signed up immediately.

He loved the atmosphere of a welcoming and encouraging community. After his first filk con, he wrote a blog post: Noob at a Filk Convention, which probably details more about Errol than any bio could or should.

In 2011, he joined Deborah Linden and became Debs & Errol



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