The Pegasus Awards

2008 Nominees



Best Filk Song
Die Puppen (The Dolls) Eva Van Daele-Hunt
Like Their Feet Have Wings Gwen Knighton
One Small Boat Marilisa Valtazanou
Pageant Legend (The Morgan LeFay Song) Katy Dröge-Macdonald /Ju Honisch
Uplift Andrew Eigel
Best Classic Filk Song
Archetype Cafe Talis Kimberley
Chess Juanita Coulson
Following in Valentina's Footsteps Valerie Housden
Gone Filkin' Tom Jeffers
Nessie, Come Up Dr. Jane Robinson
Best Performer
Heather Dale
Amy McNally
Playing Rapunzel
Vixy & Tony
Wild Mercy
Best Writer/Composer
Barry Childs-Helton
Ju Honisch
Brooke Abbey
Seanan McGuire
Benjamin Newman
Best Tragedy Song
Black Davie's Ride Cynthia McQuillin
The Black Death Seanan McGuire
The Hunter Mich Sampson
Sealskin Jacket Tim Jennings 
The Wreck of the Crash of the Easthill Mining Disaster Brooke Abbey
Best Comedy Song
Alien Salad Abduction Chris Conway
Apology Bill and Gretchen Roper
Chocolate Is A Vegetable Graham Leathers
Close Your Eyes Daniel Glasser
Evil Eyeball Sibylle Machat


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