Contact OVFF


OVFF Contact Information

OVFF General contact for anything OVFF!
Hotel Have questions about our hotel?
Membership & Registration Do you have questions regarding your registration?
Volunteering Want to volunteer some time and get a discount for next years OVFF?
Programming Have questions about programming, or an idea you’d like to see?
Kids Programming Direct line to the folk running Children’s Programming this coming year!
Publicity Would you like to advertise in our program book? Are we trading an ad for your con with ours? Do you have some artwork you’d like to contribute? Send it here!
Guests Have a question, comment, or suggestion for our Guest Liaison? Need help finding a mobility scooter for the con? Have a special request? Send it here!
Banquets Have a question about the menu for the Pegasus Banquet? A dietary restriction?
Consuite Hey, wasn’t the consuite great at OVFF last year? But was there something you wanted to see there? Send us your suggestions.
Dealers Do you want to sell stuff? This is the contact!
Pegasus This is the contact address for communications regarding the Pegasus Awards.
Website And me, your somewhat humble webmaster. Let me know if you have any questions, concerns, broken links, misspellings, factual errors, or other snafus that inevitably end up online.

Real World mail address:

1720 Bendelow Dr.
Columbus, OH 43228