
Please take a moment to read our health policy before registering! Thank you!

Full Membership

Membership dues are how we pay for putting on the convention. With your membership, you get a program book and access to the con-suite and all other amenities provided by the convention. Register and pay immediately through PayPal or with a credit card registered with PayPal. If you must pay by check, simply print out one form for each attendee, and mail it to us with your payment. If you have other questions or issues with our registration process, you can contact us here.

OVFF Membership Rates
Before October 14, 2024
At the Door
Child (12 and under):
Young Adult (13-24 years):

Supporting Membership

Can’t come to the con? Be a supporting member! We all know that sometimes life gets in the way. Budgets are too tight for travel, or we need to work that weekend and can’t get the time off, etc. But if you still want to support the con, you can! Be a supporting member and help us pay for the live streaming of the main concert stage and our other expenses. As a supporting member for the con, you are eligible to vote for the Pegasus awards after you’ve watched the Pegasus concert via our zoom live stream and you will receive a printed copy of the full program book for the convention.

Young Children in Tow

Infants and small children in tow may attend the convention with a parent at no cost, however they must be with a parent (or other designated person) at all times.

Pegasus Awards Banquet

The Pegasus Awards Banquet is not included in the membership price. The cost is listed below- you can sign up for the Banquet on the Registration Page.

Banquet Rates
Before October 14, 2024
At the Door


OVFF Membership Rollover Policy

If you purchase a membership in advance to OVFF in any given year and then find that you are unable to attend due to an unexpected change of plans, OVFF will gladly consider rolling the membership over to next year’s convention PROVIDED you inform us before the beginning of the con. We require notice in writing. Phone calls or a verbal message carried by a friend sadly, do not count… even if delivered in song.

Memberships will be rolled over only one year. If you are still unable to attend the second year, we regret that we are unable to roll it over again.

Scooters for the mobility impaired

If you need a scooter for the con, please contact us by September 1 to reserve one. (We will try to meet any requests made after this date, but cannot guarantee it.) The rental fee for the weekend is TBA.


Individuals or businesses desiring a table in the Dealers’ Room at OVFF should contact Sally Kobee, our dealers room coordinator, at 614-442-1010 or at this nifty contact form. Please note that the Dealers’ Room is by reservation only, and often sells out almost as soon as the previous con is over.

In memoriam

OVFF has added a section in our program book to memorialize members of the filk community that have passed in the last year. If you would like us to include a memoriam this year, please submit the details Here. Deadline for submissions is September 30th.