

A line drawing of a pegasus in flightEvery year at OVFF, we offer a schedule of programming that is intended to entertain, educate, and engage those attending the convention.

This programming includes concerts by our guests of honor and others, workshops, panels, songwriting competitions, one-shots, and open-filking (both themed and otherwise). Other activities, such as the Pegasus Awards Concert and the Interfilk auction help round out the schedule.

General Schedule

Thursday Night

Thursday night is not officially a part of the convention. That being said, more and more people have taken to arriving early, so that they can hang out in the hotel lobby and see their friends arrive, followed by a relaxed open filk that has come to be known as the Frisky Puppy Filk. This is a great time to meet people, since programming hasn’t officially started yet, and no one has anything they absolutely have to be doing. Folks tend to start gathering around 8pm, and stay until they get tired.


Before we get really started, we have the Afternoon Delight filk for those who can make it to the hotel in the early afternoon.  We try to start around 3 to 4pm and go until 6pm or so.

The convention “officially” opens at 7 pm with the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party (remember your hat!) where tea, cider, and pastries are offered; followed at 8 pm by our famed Pegasus Nominees Concert. This is the event wherein all the nominees for this year’s Pegasus Awards are presented for your listening pleasure, performed by folks who have come from near and far to entertain you. We follow the concert with an apple-tasting party in the con suite. Sometimes we throw in a workshop or two. And of course there is open filking late into the night.


Workshops & theme filks run throughout the day starting out bright and early (for filkers, that is) at 10 am. Formal concerts by our guests of honor and other stars of the filk community begin around noon. Slates of one-shots are sprinkled throughout the afternoon concert schedule. Check the current schedule for exact times.

We feed you at 6 pm with the fabulous Pegasus Awards Banquet during which this year’s Pegasus Award Winners are announced. This is followed by the first of our songwriting contests, the Interfilk Auction, and maybe another workshop or two.

Open filking threads throughout the day and late, late into the night often until dawn. (Sleep is for the weak & sickly!)


Sunday opens with a couple workshops and the Iron Filker songwriting contest, followed by the Chamberfilk ensemble performance after rehearsing all weekend. Then we’ll get in some one-shots and our Featured Concerts, including our New Release Concert. The afternoon closes with our traditional Farewell Jam Session.

Sunday evening, we gather whoever’s left at the convention for the Dead Dog Dinner Run. Enjoy good food and good company wherever we find to go.

Once the beast has been fed, everyone gathers back at the hotel for one last big filk circle, the Dead Dog Open Filk. We sing until the last person leaves for home, falls asleep mid-refrain, or is carried off to bed. In recent years, this has gone on past 5 am (The record is 8:30 am!). Many people consider this to be the best open filking of the entire convention each year, so it’s worth sticking around for if you can.

To Make Suggestions

If you have any suggestions or general comments you’d like to make about our programming, you can reach our programming team here.