Shameless Self-Promotion
This page contains printable flyers, PRs, and anything else we can come
up with to help promote OVFF.
OVFF Full page ad
If we have arranged with you to advertise OVFF in your program book, you can download our full page Con Book ad, or our half page Con Book ad!
Buy an Ad in our Program Book!
Want to place an ad in the OVFF Program Book? Our rates our quoted below. If you are another Filk/SF convention, we’ll advertise your con for free!… As long as you give us the same sized ad in YOUR program book (otherwise sneakily referred to as an ‘ad trade’.)
Ad Sizes / Rates
• Full Page Ad is 7.25″w x 10″h / $60
• Half Page Ad is 7.25″w x 4.75″h / $35
• Quarter Page Ad is 3.5″w x 4.75″h / $20
• Business Card Ad is 3.5″w x 2″h / $10
Please note all ads will run in black & white. We prefer ads in the Adobe PDF format (high resolution, fonts embedded). We can also accept high resolution JPEG, TIFF, or PNG files (300 dpi at 100% of the original artwork size). If all you have is a Microsoft Word file, we can take it, but we will have to reset the ad which may introduce some small changes to your ad.
Send your file to us here!
Send Advertising Fees to:
Ohio Valley Filk Fest
1720 Bendelow Dr.
Columbus, OH 43228
Please note that all ads & fees must be received by Sept 30.
If you have any questions, please write us!
Call for Artwork!
OVFF is always looking for artwork to use in our publicity materials, program book, and at the convention. We are looking for original artwork, that the artist will allow us open use of. Pegasus art is always welcome and encouraged. We also need art that ties in with our theme for the year.
Please contact us for more information or to submit artwork.