It takes volunteers to run any fan-run convention; and OVFF is no different. OVFF is, in fact, an entirely volunteer run convention.During most of the year, the volunteers that make up the concom are sufficient to organize the convention, but when the convention is taking place, there aren’t enough of them to do everything that needs to be done.
That’s where you come in.
Gophers Wanted!
Would you like a discount or refund on your OVFF membership? If you put in 6 hours, you can get a full registration for free, 3 hours would get you a 50% discount! You can choose to have a refund check mailed to you after the con, or apply it immediately towards an advance registration for next year. We need people to volunteer to help us move in supplies early Thursday evening and to help tear down the Con Suite and move out supplies Sunday during the dinner break, plus hands to help in other areas as needed. If you are interested, contact our Head gOVFFer, Linnea Davis, for more!
Become Part of the Team
Even before the convention there is a lot of work that needs to be done. The concom welcomes new members who are willing to commit energy and creativity to making OVFF even better. Even if we can’t use you this year, we’d be happy to hear from you so we will know that we can call on you when we have openings. Being on the concom is a year long commitment, so it’s not something to volunteer for on a whim.
Even if you’re not able to take on the responsibility of being on the convention committee, but are able to help us out around the time of the convention, we would like to hear from you. We are always in need of people to help with moving equipment, furniture, food, and people around, helping out with the registration table, collating the program books, and so on. Though these jobs are not as visible as being on the concom, they’re highly appreciated.
Contact us if you are interested in any of these roles!